Sunday, March 19, 2017

Diagnostic Test


Name: ____________ Last Name: ____________ Age: _____ Date: _________
Teacher: Randy Manzueta     Level:   1   2   3    4   5

*    Point #1: Answer the questions.
* What’s your name?

* How are you?

* Where are you from?

* What’s your nationality?

*    Point #2: Write what you are asked for.
        Days                      Months                  Seasons                  Numbers               Family

*    Point #3: Unscramble the sentences
1. - want / I / to / learn / English      __________________________________
2. - family / I / love                           __________________________________
3. - U.S. / they / in / live                    __________________________________
4. - likes / to eat / he / chicken          __________________________________
5. - I / can / go / to the / bathroom? __________________________________